Eat, Drink and Activities around Vegas
Pinball Hall of Fame
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Pinball Hall of Fame

If you are in Vegas with the kids and are looking for something to do just head south on Las Vegas Blvd.  Located down by the Welcome to Las Vegas sign is where you will find the Pinball Hall of Fame.  What started out as a pinball passion has turned into 25,000 square feet of pinball machines from the 1950’s up to the 1990’s. (And yes, all the games are availabel to play)  You will also find some classic arcade games here but pinball is the main attraction.  The games take quarters and there are change machines, grabbed off the Golden Nuggets trash dock, on premises.  The PHoF is open everyday so no matter when you are in town you can easily enjoy some fun times with some classic games.  The man that brought his pinball dream to Las Vegas is Tim Arnold.  He owns and repairs all the pinball machines you see inside.  The PHoF is a non-profit and proceeds are donated to various charities. Direct donations to the PHoF can be sent here.  Read about the history of Tim’s journey from Michigan to Nevada and then head on down for a couple hours of fun and games.  Let me know which ones were your favorite and how ya did!!!

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